These forces comprised of Chiss commandos, and Chiss soldiers. Organization type On a frozen moon within the Unknown Regions, Thrawn authorized a project before his death, which involved making Sith-Jedi like warriors using deceased DNA of Jedi and Sith. On Thursday at 5pm EST I'll also be doing a livestream with some testing and answering questions during the last phases of beta prep, which you'll be able to watch at.
Phalanx Trooper, Gilzean RGT, Megamaser Tank, AirStraeker, Rocket Scout, Phalanx Commando, Rapid Fire Tank, Flame Tank, Mortar TAT, Kirov. In the future it�s entirely possible we�ll be able to offer additional ingame options for other things based on similar principles, as well. Though he went through great lengths to avoid capture, Creysis ultimately underestimated Thrawn.